By Island Free Press

Forget the traditional fall colors of red, orange and brown – on Hatteras Island, October is the time to think pink.

The month of October is nationally recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it’s an important designation for women everywhere, which includes our island neighbors who are close to home.

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers for American women, and the average risk of a woman developing breast cancer at some point in her life is around 12%. (Although less common, it’s also possible for men to develop breast cancer as well.)

This is why on Hatteras Island a number of local restaurants and businesses have joined the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation (HICF) in their annual Drink Pink Campaign, which celebrates our local ladies through delicious and island-wide libations.

HICF is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization which provides support for cancer patients and their families who live on Hatteras Island. Founded in the year 2000, the HICF provides assistance to local residents dealing with cancer to help with needs such as travel expenses, prescriptions and medical supplies, as well as medical bills that are not covered by insurance. To date, the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation has assisted over 197 residents with cancer through grants in excess of $985,000.

In an effort to address this continual need for help throughout Hatteras Island, the “Drink Pink” campaign was first launched in October 2014 by Jomi Price at Ketch 55, and has grown every year with more and more restaurants and businesses getting involved.

This toast-worthy event features ample opportunities to sample pink drinks of all varieties – from milkshakes to cocktails – as restaurants offer their own pink concoctions, with all proceeds going to the HICF.

During the month of October, restaurants across Hatteras Island will support HICF by including a special pink drink on their menus. HICF encourages locals and visitors to sample the various drinks – (responsibly of course) – from the different locations.

HICF 2020 Drink Pink Participating Establishments are as follows:

*More establishments may be added.

• Lee Robinson
• The Dancing Turtle Coffee Shop
• Dinky’s Waterfront Restaurant
• Hatteras Sol Waterside Grill
• Breakwater Restaurant

• Tavern on 12
• Café Pamlico
• Pamlico Deli

• Conner’s Supermarket
• Rusty’s Surf and Turf

• Ketch 55
• The Froggy Dog
• Gidget’s Pizza & Pasta

Please stop by any of the above organizations to purchase your pink drink and to make a contribution to a very worthy organization that has been helping islanders battle cancer since 2000.

For more information on Drink Pink, and other October events hosted by the HICF including the new Virtual HICF 5K, see Events.

New website paid by grant and support from
Outer Banks Community Foundation

The Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation announces the launching of, their newly redesigned website which offers information on the organization and it’s history, applications for those on Hatteras Island that are dealing with cancer, a list of events and fundraising activities that can help support qualified applicants and more. This new website was made possible by a grant from the Outer Banks Community Foundation and paid from the Milton A. Jewell Grant Fund, the Hatteras Fund, and the Community Fund and was designed by GCP Design & Marketing.

The new site features a streamlined, modern design, and improved functionality. As we are still the same organization of neighbors helping neighbors, we wanted to make ourselves a little more digital. You can submit a grant application online, complete a volunteer form, request durable medical equipment (DME), upload a recipe for our next cookbook, and as always, make a donation to HICF.

Other highlights include a new thank you wall found on the About tab and more descriptive details about upcoming Events, with the next one, and only one so far this year, being HICF’s 1st “Virtual” 5K, which offers everyone from near or far the opportunity to join us for this annual run.

The Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation’s hope with the new website is to offer a place for those who need assistance to come for information and for those looking to support us to plan on joining us for some of our highly anticipated events and fundraisers or simply make a donation.

About the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation
The Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, provides support for cancer patients and their families who live on Hatteras Island. Founded in December 2000, the group’s primary goal is to raise funds to offer financial support for patients to help them pay for medical costs not reimbursed by insurance and to pay for travel expenses for themselves and their caregivers to medical centers for cancer treatment. To date, the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation has assisted over 196 islanders with cancer and their families with grants in excess of $975,000. HICF also works in conjunction with other cancer resource organization on the Outer Banks to provide additional services that may be needed.

For more Information about HICF, contact:
Sydnee Slaughter

By Island Free Press

The annual HICF 5K, which is a fall event that raises money for the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation, is going virtual this year in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Locally famous for its wave of pink-infused participants who traditionally follow a 3.1-mile course through the heart of Kinnakeet Shores, this year, runners and walkers can join in the race from wherever they call home.

“We are excited for HICF’s first virtual run and hope to host more in the future, with [the] uncertainty of the ‘new normal,’” stated the organization in a recent announcement. “This run will be available Columbus weekend from 8 a.m. Friday, October 9, until 8 a.m. Tuesday, October 13.”

The cost will be $35.00 per individual, but participants are encouraged to run in groups of at least four members at a cost of $30.00 per person.

The event will also feature a fun run for 2020 that is one mile. The cost for the fun run is $20.

“Even though this is a virtual event, we still want to see everyone’s participation and crazy pink outfits, and ask [you] to tag us on Facebook [at] Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation,” stated organizers. “We have a new t-shirt design that will be mailed out to all participants. Local pick up will be available on October 1 from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. in the parking lot of Conner’s Supermarket, and all other shirts will be mailed on October 2.”

“Thank you for your support and participation, we look forward to seeing your virtual 5K journey!”
For more information on the virtual HICF 5K and Fun Run, visit the event’s Facebook page at

Participants can also sign up for the race online at

All proceeds go to benefit the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation, which is an all-volunteer non-profit organization that provides support for cancer patients and their families who live on Hatteras Island.


If you would like to donate to this cause, click here or mail a check to P.O. Box 442, Hatteras, NC 27943.

Levels of Sponsorship:

• Business Name on T-shirts Listed Under Gold Sponsor
• Facebook shout out as a Gold Sponsor
• Business name listed under Gold Sponsor in Island Free Press article

• Business Name on T-shirts Listed Under Silver Sponsor
• Facebook shout out as a Silver Sponsor
• Business name listed under Silver Sponsor in Island Free Press article

• Business Name on T-shirts Listed Under Bronze Sponsor
• Facebook shout out as a Bronze Sponsor
• Business name listed under Bronze Sponsor in Island Free Press article

• Business Name on T-shirts Listed Under Good Neighbor Sponsor
• Facebook shout out as a Good Neighbor Sponsor
• Business name listed under Good Neighbor Sponsor in Island Free Press article

If you would like to sponsor this race, please contact for more information or mail a check to P.O. Box 442, Hatteras, NC  27943.

The Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation (HICF) expressed their gratitude to the Outer Banks Hospital in a recent announcement, citing the hospital’s continued generosity through the Vidant Community Health Benefit Program.

Per the recent update, HICF was awarded grant funds via the program to assist Hatteras Island residents with costs incurred when traveling on and off the island for cancer-related treatments.

“We appreciate working with community partners like Vidant and are thankful for their support,” stated HICF.

The Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, provides support for cancer patients and their families who live on Hatteras Island. Founded in December 2000, the group’s primary goal is to raise funds to offer financial support for patients to help them pay for medical costs not reimbursed by insurance and to pay for travel expenses for themselves and their care givers to medical centers for cancer treatment. To date, the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation has assisted over 195 islanders with cancer and their families with grants in excess of $975,000.

HICF is pleased to let everyone know that the Outer Banks Hospital will be offering two new support groups for cancer patients and their caregivers every month starting in March. The 2nd Wednesday of the month is the Coping with Cancer Support Group and the 4th Wednesday of the month is the Caregiver’s Support Group. Both groups meet from 11 – 12 and are free of charge. We encourage everyone who needs some extra support and encouragement to take advantage of these meetings.

Trisha Midgett and her team, (John Mills, Ashley King, Courtney Snearer and Michael Milteer), from the Rodanthe office of Midgett Realty and Drew Wright and his team, (Alex Wright, Betty Brickhouse and Deborah Beddingfield), from Citizens Bank in Southern Shores presented the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation (HICF) with a check for $7,200 that they collectively raised in 2019.

At the end of 2017, HICF received an email from Drew Wright of Citizens Bank who wanted to give back to the community. He had shared his idea with Trisha and she recommended that donations be made to HICF. As an added bonus, Citizens Bank matches charitable donations their employees make up to $1,000 per year through their Citizens Helping Citizens initiative. By the beginning of 2018, HICF had been approved by Citizens Bank to receive matching gifts and Drew wrote “We will be making contributions on the behalf of Trisha Midgett. I work with Trisha and her clients often and have made it my goal for 2018 to make $100 contributions – $50 from myself or team and $50 matching from Citizens – to the charity of her choice for every closing we do with her going forward.” HICF was thrilled to receive $1,800 in 2018 from this partnership.

Trisha and Drew raised the bar for HICF in 2019 with more giving. For every closing they did together, Trisha and her team donated $100, Drew and his team donated $100, and Citizens Bank matched Drew’s contribution, resulting in a $300 donation to HICF per closing. Their generosity and goals of giving were also shared with the mortgagees and often we received an additional $100 from them.

Trisha and Drew’s efforts have made a significant positive impact for the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation and all those that come to us seeking assistance while battling cancer.

By Island Free Press

The Fessenden Center raised $2,100 for the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation at its recent 3rd Annual Fit-a-Thon which is an event that combines exercise classes, healthy foods, and raffles with a very worthy local cause.

The Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation (HICF) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization which provides support for cancer patients and their families who live on Hatteras Island. HICF raises funds to help patients pay for medical costs not reimbursed by insurance and to pay for travel expenses for themselves and caregivers to medical centers for cancer treatment. To date, the Hatteras Island Cancer Foundation has assisted over 184 islanders with cancer and their families.

The Fessenden Center Fit-a-Thon has now raised more than $5,000 for the HICF over the course of three years.

Sponsors for this year’s popular event included Conner’s Supermarket, Village Red & White, Frisco Rod & Gun, Hatteras Sol, Natural Art Surf Shop, Dare to Yoga, Hatteras Bowls, Creative Balance, Buxton Village Books, Dancing Turtle Coffee Shop, Third Stone Graphics, Dinky’s, Water High, Vic Lowe, Elizabeth Mayle, Pamlico Deli, Buxton Munch, and OBX Pound Posse.